My bags are packed

I’m going on a trip. A once-in-a-lifetime experience. I’m ecstatic about it. Elated, even. This is the big one, I just know it.

I’m going on a trip. Around the sun. And guess what – you’re coming too!

This trip – what we call 2012 – is going to be a great one. Chock full of good memories, rich experiences, and adventures! What every good trip needs! I’ve set my intentions for the year and have decided that it will be great. I’m going to do my best to make it so. Every. Single. Day.

In all honestly, my 2010 and 2011 were amazing. In 2010, Scott and I went to Tahiti and he proposed! We then spent a feverish three months planning our wedding. 2011 played host to our wedding (amazing!), road trips galore, our first music festival. We even hosted our very first Thanksgiving!

All-in-all everything was awesome. But I have this nagging little voice telling me that I haven’t been being honest with myself. We did so much. We did so much. But I personally feel like I didn’t take the time to savor any of it. I have this tendency to always look forward and forget what’s laying in my lap! I have this tendency to over-plan. Everything.

It’s so easy to get caught up on the shoulds. Those nasty litle things have no place in my life (I’m working on it), but there’s something to be heard in their whispers. Because they tell us what feels wrong, what needs adjusting.

I know it as much as the next person – New Year’s resolutions fade quickly. It’s hard to keep your eye on the prize, because when it all comes down nothing really changes just because we’ve encountered another January 1. I wanted to form a resolution; I wanted to choose a word for the year; I wanted to have something concrete to aim for. How else was I going to conquer the world and still have time to make a meal plan for the week?

That’s just the thing; it’s a ridiculous idea to put so much pressure on oneself. Especially considering how easy it is to fail. So, it’s become apparent to me after the rush of the holidays has torn apart my once-methodically clean home. After I relaxed for two weekends in a row (mostly…). This trip around the sun is going to be magnificent and filled to bursting, but mostly…mostly this trip is going to be SIMPLE, no pressure, and as-it-happens.

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