Busy like a bee

Life is so full. It’s wonderful! The weather is getting warmer, the garden is growing, and a lot of change is upon us. There’s so much going on, I’ll have to break it up into a few posts…expect them soon! To sum things up:

Tahiti was a BLAST! Scott and I both came back tattooed…and engaged! 🙂 Here’s a sneak peak to tide you over…

I’ve decided to train for a half-marathon next year. Although, so far the road has been rough. With my knee surgery 6 months ago, I can barely stand a jog right now. It doesn’t help that I fell last week on both knees, while running. I may have to delay my plans, but I’ll keep pushing where I CAN.

Easy as Pie Graphics and Copy is in the works. I am in my final week of entrepreneurship classes (well, one round of classes…) and ready to launch my web site!

More on all of this AND MORE to follow. 🙂 Can’t wait!